The Candlelight Ceremony is a treasured and traditional wedding ceremonies. It is best used in an indoor or a Northern Michigan wedding protected by a shelter. The candle light represents the light of God that is within the bride and groom. The Candlelight Ceremony is particularly beautiful during an evening ceremony.
Minister: Marriage brings two people together in a very unique relationship. In this bond, they may share many experiences as if they were one person. But in reality, each person does retain his or her own identity. The miracle of love is that it allows us to overcome our sense of isolation, yet continues to permit us our individuality.
Groom (name) and Bride (name), the two-lit candies symbolize your separate lives, your separate families and your separate sets of friends that you bring here today. I ask that you each take one candle and then, together you light the center candle.
(The Bride and Groom take individual candles and light unity candle as they repeat after officiant)
“May our love for one another … continue to increase as our lights grow brighter … May our days together be many and joyous … and the darkness shall not overcome us … for steadfast love endures forever.”
Minister: The merging of your two lights into the one light indicates your desire for your two lives, and the lives of your families and friends to be joined as one.
We know that it is the prayer of your beloved, as it is the prayer of each of us here, that you will continuously light these candles of love, so that there will always be light and joy, peace and harmony in your hearts and in your home.
From The Prophet comes an affirmation of this understanding of togetherness and uniqueness that is at the heart of the marriage relationship.
“You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days… but let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. And stand together yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and cypress grow not in each other’s shadow. “
And may the blessing of Light be with you always, light without and Light within. May the sun shine upon you and warm your heart until it glows like a great fire so that others may feel the warmth of your love for one another and for the whole of creation. Amen.