Naming Ceremony

Suggested text for your child’s Naming Ceremony

Below is an example of our Naming Ceremony. We will adapt this to incorporate your knowledge of your child and include any symbols that mean something to you. Contact us for more information for your child’s Naming Ceremony.

In this Naming Ceremony, we come together in this beautiful place of nature, of wind and water and blessed sand. We join in spirit and soul to celebrate and dedicate this child to life, to love and to the highest power of Love. We gather today to bless him/her, a new life that has become part of our world. We welcome him/her into our hearts and lives and give her/him a name of her/his own.

A child points the way from which we came and takes us back to who we really are before all the layers of our past were accumulated and the future imagined. A child points to our innocence… to purity… and glee of living in the moment. Only a young child has the capacity to laugh like they do… at the sheer joy of being alive!


Loving Creator, we turn to you in awe because you have placed your trust in us. We give thanks for the love which binds us to You, to Mother Earth and Father Sky, to each other and to this child.  We are thankful for the wonder of creation that you have renewed within our hearts.  Thank you for the blessing. Amen.

Son Greyson with parents Trevor & Jennifer. Rev Crystal gets a hug too.

Child, may we always remember that you are a Gift from God, and that your very presence here is a gift to all of us.  May you, little one, know that God and the angels are always as close as your heartbeat. May you always know that all you will ever need is within you; love, wisdom, and freedom.

To be a parent is to love and nurture, to lead a child to be a person true to their inner light. It is to guide her/him along the right path and to both teach him/her and learn from him/her. It is to rein her/him in, and to give her/him wings. It is to smile at his/her joy, and weep at his/her pain. It is to walk beside her/him, and then one day allow him/her to walk alone. To be a parent is a great gift you have given yourselves, and the greatest responsibility you shall ever have.

[ Insert personal stories or characteristics about the child. ] 

So know more than any words you may speak, s/he will learn most from what s/he sees you do and how you are, especially to each other. S/He will observe and learn from you how to respect another human being. Your actions will show her/him what kindness looks like.

From Mother Earth, s/he will learn openness as the sky is open, and how flexibility is a necessity because all of life goes through the changes of seasons and weather. From the trees s/he is blessed with the images of strength. From you, your family, and from Mother earth, this child will learn the power that comes through self-knowledge.

As the years unfold,  s/he will continually blossom as a child of God as the sun has risen to its zenith, where it plays full on with the earth, the waters and winds. As the earth becomes fruitful and multiplies the creation of so much new life, so will your lives get better and more full with goodness and joy. This child will be a warm sun to many others’ cold nights. S/He is a blessing. S/He is the word of our Creator made manifest, God’s very essence of love.

Reading – Children Learn What They Live

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with ridicule, they learn to be shy. If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty. If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient. If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.

If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate. If children live with fairness, they learn justice. If children with security, they learn to trust themselves. If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves. If children live with acceptance and with friendship, they learn to find love in the world.

Child, may those who have agreed to be your parents, these lovers of the earth and animals and all creation, teach you to remember the love that gave you birth, to live a full life grounded in nature and good values.

May those who are your mentors and family members teach you the importance of respect so that you have respect for yourself and respect for others.

May those who care about you guide you with compassionate discipline so that you learn self – discipline but never sacrifice that damages the freedom his/her soul is destined experience.

May they instill in you that life is to be appreciated and not to be taken for granted.

May you learn kindness and reverence for others, animals and yourself that will be a true sign that you know your are a child of God, who is love.

Parents names, you have asked to have your child spiritually named. In doing so, you have agreed to train and guide him/her in the ways that assist him/her to fully express the loving individual that s/he is intended to be.

Is this so?


NOTE:  I use rose petals to christen a child because roses are symbolic of the unfolding spiritual nature of a child’s soul. Water is symbolic of the washing away of sins. I don’t believe that children are born in sin, so there is nothing to wash away.

Parent’s names, what is this child’s name?  His or her name is declared.

We now dedicate you, (child’s full name) to the Father / Mother, Son and Holy Spirit; and into the care and keeping of the Universal Spirit of Love, Wisdom and Truth.


Loving Creator, we give thanks for this special day. We are here in recognition of (child) and his/her loving parents, parent’s names. Bless their agreement to learn and grow together as part of the ever unfolding Divine Plan, which is to love and be loved. Thank you for the life that stretches before them. May parent’s names be ever mindful of Divine guidance, wisdom and peace. Amen

Welcome, (child’s name) to this family and to our hearts. Your parents love you, and we thank them for giving you the gift of life. God watches over you, (name), and over your mother and father, your family and friends.

They make this vow to you:  I love you forever.

And so it is.

This Naming Ceremony will be adapted to reflect your knowledge of your child, and include symbols that have meaning for you.

Contact us now to find out more about your child’s naming ceremony. 


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